monarch butterfly conservation & education
Another big part of The Monarch Sanctuary Project's mission is to help others learn how to maintain native habitats that support the Monarch migration as they come through central Texas in the spring and fall.

Native Plants Do It Better
Join us in supporting the critical Monarch migration by establishing and maintaining your own native habitat at home with your lawn and/or container gardening! The resources on this page have been curated to share easy to understand information about how to plant and maintain these native plants (native milkweed and nectars) for the Central Texas area.
Thank you for wanting to support many, many monarchs through their migration over time and for your interest in helping to save one of the most incredible biological wonders of the world!
Why are native plants important?
Conserves Water – drought-tolerant, naturally conserves our precious water resources
Support Wildlife and Pollinators – provides habitats, shelter, and food for birds, butterflies, bees and other wildlife
Low Maintenance and Fewer Resources – native plants don't need special pampering or fertilizing
Improved Soil Conditions – natural to their eco-system, helps control pests, revitalizing soil
Biological Diversity – vital to preserving and maintaining biological biodiversity
If you recently picked up native plants from us:
Try to plant them as soon as possible – within 1 week of receiving them
If you have to keep them in the original containers for longer, please water 1 to 2 times per week depending on rainfall (they're resilient! We have left pots out uncovered in 18° temperatures)
Native Milkweed Plant Profiles
Native Nectars Plant Profiles